RDF Graph - data source
You can use an RDF graph as a data source for you assistant. This is particularly usefull if you want that your assistant accesses also structured data.
If you need some files to try out this data source you can use this RDF Graph describing cocktails:
Here you can access a search interface based on this RDF Graph, you can try it yourself!
Click on RDF to add an RDF graph as a data source:
Upload your files (click or drag and drop on the dedicated area):
The following file formats are currently supported: .rdf, .rdfs, .owl, .xml, .nt, .ttl, .ttls, .n3, .xml, .trix, .trig, .trigs, .brf, .nq, .jsonld, .ndjsonld, .jsonl, .ndjson, .rj, .xhtml, .html, .hdt.
- Empty
- Files selected
Once you specified your graph click on "Finish". You will be redirected to the data source page. The dataset is now indexed, when this process is finished you will get a SPARQL interface on top of the data:
The interface also allows you to upload another RDF file, or INSERT or DELETE the triples using SPARQL 1.1. Once your RDF dataset is connected you get access to a series of AI features:
- a fully SPARQL 1.1 complient enpoint
- a text2sparql engine
- an entity linker over your graph
- a linker over your graph
- a search interface and
- a chat interface