As you can see on your home page, there are quotas for the number of AI Assistant available at the same time, the size of the files you import to the AI Assistants and the number of questions asked. Each of these quotas have a default value. It can be changed by an administrator.
Shared AI Assistant are not counted in the quotas.
AI Assistant quotas
If you have reached your quota, you will not be able to create new AI Assistant. You can delete existing AI Assistant to create new ones and remove provided documents to replace with others.
You can also see these quotas on your profile page and the diffirent plan you can subscrib to.
Datas source quotas
For document data source AI Assistant, since we can add several files, we want the collection size to be less than the quota. For example in free plan, if the quota is 10MB for 1 AI Assistant, we can add 10 files of 1MB each, or 1 file of 10MB.
When you provide documents to your AI Assitant, you can see the total space remaining on your plan so you can chose accordingly which files you want to add/remove.
- Quotas exceeded
- Quotas exceeded
If you want to learn how to add data source on an AI Assistant you can check Data Source section!