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Installing QAnswer on premise


If you are interested to install QAnswer on premise you need to reach us at to get a license key and the various access to be able to follow this guide.


To run QAnswer you need:

  • a linux distribution (we use Ubuntu by default)
  • A GPU with at least 24GB of memory (we recommend NVIDIA® RTX™ 3090)
  • Docker

Install Nvidia Drivers

  1. Download and install the CUDA drivers from the NVIDIA website. If you are using a Ubuntu distribution you can use the following command to install the drivers
sudo ubuntu-drivers install --gpgpu

Install Docker

You need to install Docker on your machine. You can follow the official documentation to install it on your machine.

Then you need to install the nvidia container runtime by following the official documentation

After that you need to restart docker by running the following command

sudo service docker restart

Install QAnswer

QAnswer is provided as a docker-compose file. You can clone the repository by running the following command

git clone

The first thing you have to do is from template.env create a .env file with the secret of your installation. In this file you have to fill the following field:

Configuration overview

System details

The credential used to get the images of QAnswer (supplied by us)

USERThe username to access the registry
PASSWORDThe password to access the registry

Application details

QA_KEYThe license Key to activate the application we provide
QA_PUBLIC_UI_URLThe URL of the frontend
QA_PUBLIC_URLThe URL of the backend for http/https
QA_PUBLIC_WSURLThe URL of the backend for websocket
QA_ADMIN_USERNAMEThe username for the admin account
QA_ADMIN_EMAILThe email for the admin account
QA_ADMIN_PASSWORDthe password for the admin account
SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORDThe password of the database

Contact Email

The email that people will be encourage to contact in case there is a problem

CONTACT_MAILThe email of the contact

Run QAnswer

Then after filling everything you have to run to generate the configuration of QAnswer


After that, pull all the image of QAnswer by running the following command


Then you can run finally the following command to have QAnswer running

docker compose up -d