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Create your first relation

Now we made a node about ourself, so let's attach something to it!

I want for example to add which languages I speak. So I will create some nodes for the languages I speak:

  @prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix qa: <> .

qa:node2 rdfs:label "English" .
qa:node3 rdfs:label "French" .
qa:node4 rdfs:label "German" .
qa:node5 rdfs:label "Italian" .

and a new property to express which languages I speak:

  qa:language rdfs:label "speaks language" .
qa:language skos:altLabel "speak" .
qa:language skos:altLabel "language" .

and use it:

  qa:node1 qa:language qa:node2 .
qa:node1 qa:language qa:node3 .
qa:node1 qa:language qa:node4 .
qa:node1 qa:language qa:node5 .

So the last triples encode that "QAnswer speaks English, French, German and Italian".


If you were really careful you could have thought: This property looks like a node?!?!

Yes it is true, the only difference that makes qa:language a property is that we put it between two nodes.

What can we ask now?

Ok, I guess now it should be clear how to add more information about yourself .... try out your creativity!

This is how far we got for now:

  @prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix qa: <> .

#Making our first node
qa:node1 rdfs:label "QAnswer" .
qa:node1 skos:altLabel "QAnswer KG" .
qa:node1 skos:altLabel "QA" .
qa:node1 skos:altLabel "you" .

#Adding some additional nodes
qa:node2 rdfs:label "English" .
qa:node3 rdfs:label "French" .
qa:node4 rdfs:label "German" .
qa:node5 rdfs:label "Italian" .

#Creating our first property
qa:language rdfs:label "speaks language" .
qa:language skos:altLabel "speak" .
qa:language skos:altLabel "language" .

#Saying that QAnswer speaks English, Franch, German and Italian
qa:node1 qa:language qa:node2 .
qa:node1 qa:language qa:node3 .
qa:node1 qa:language qa:node4 .
qa:node1 qa:language qa:node5 .