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Create your first node

Let's see how to encode the information about ourselfs into a small Knwoledge Graph.

Using rdfs:label

We need a node in the graph representing ourselves, I call it qa:node1. And since my name is QAnswer I want to call it like that. rdfs:label is the standard way to attach a name of a node using Semantic Web Standards.


It is important to give a label to a node. A URI will only be used to generate SPARQL queries if the question contains its label. (see Requirements)

Let's do it:

  @prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix qa: <> .

qa:node1 rdfs:label "QAnswer" .

We can already ask "QAnswer?" or "What is QAnswer?" and get:

Using skos:altLabel

You may be called also differently. So let's add this too:

  @prefix skos: <> .

qa:node1 skos:altLabel "QAnswer KG" .
qa:node1 skos:altLabel "QA" .

We used another standard property which is skos:altLabel. And yes, people also call me "QAnswer KG" or "QA" in short. Now you can also ask "QAnswer KG?" or "What is QA?".

Finally lets add a little hack 🤖. We want to ask also thinks like "Who are you?", "What do you like?" ... so let add to the node also the name "you" 😉

  qa:node1 rdfs:label "QAnswer" .
qa:node1 skos:altLabel "QAnswer KG" .
qa:node1 skos:altLabel "QA" .
qa:node1 skos:altLabel "you" .

All together this looks as follows:

  @prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix qa: <> .

qa:node1 rdfs:label "QAnswer" .
qa:node1 skos:altLabel "QAnswer KG" .
qa:node1 skos:altLabel "QA" .
qa:node1 skos:altLabel "you" .