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API Reference

The documentation of all APIs is available via Swagger at the following address:

The APIs can be grouped into the following catergories:

  • User APIs, i.e. APIs to handle signup, login, datasets a user has access.
  • Dataset APIs, i.e. APIs to upload, index, remove an RDF dataset.
  • Feedback APIs, i.e. APIs to give feedback, train a new model bases on the feedback and upload download the already provided feedback in different formats.
  • Question Answering APIs, i.e. APIs to ask questions over indexed datasets.
  • SPARQL APIs, i.e. APIs to make SPARQL queries over an indexed dataset.

Note: Most of the APIs are secured and a JSON Web Token is needed to access them. Basically to get the JSON Web Token signin using:

 curl -XPOST '' --data "{\"usernameOrEmail\": \"USERNAME\", \"password\":\"PASSWORD\"}" -H "Content-Type: application/json"

which will return the access token:


This must be specified in the authorization header to access the protected APIs. For example:

 curl -F json=@feed -H 'authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOi...A'

The APIs can be used under the following Terms of Use.

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